Archive for January, 2008

about me

January 28, 2008
Lorna Gatherer Ford (aka Lornsadaisy) is a stills producer, art director, location scout, photographer and creative agent


My name is lornsadaisy. I make lovely things. Usually photographs – I produce them, art direct them and find the locations they are set in.

As I work with many talented photographers, illustrators, graphic designers and programers I am unofficially becoming a creative agent too. I live and work in Soho, central London.
This blog is a collection of bits and bobs I am working on, plus some other things I like.
If you like what you see email me, lets be amigos.

If you somehow found this through means other than the link from my site, that is strange, but you can find a little more of me and friends at (coming super soon)
lorna loves:
I love watching movies – especially in bed, champagne, sake, smoking cigars, tequila, strawberries, ice cream, new shoes (espesh Christian Louboutin’s, ooo for the flash of that red heel!) – they make me happy.

I love being in love, reading on a beach, hot days, giggling with my friends, cowboy hats, fairy lights, fairy cakes and cup cakes, tacky lights (like the ones you get in indian restaurants…) electric blankets! (best sleep ever!) The fishermans hat my grandad bought me, my mothers ring, sleeping on long car journeys, popcorn, dancing, travelling, coming home after being away for ages, my bedlinen, my friends….I love dressing up and getting undressed!

I hate being late, but always am. I hate being lied to. I dislike imensely people that try to talk to me when I’m trying to sleep on long car journeys, the same applies to buses and trains (but not planes – who the hell gets a good sleep on a plane?) being cold, feeling sketchy, celery and tinned tuna.
Above all, I HATE not being able to go to sleep.

Early mornings, the cold and people with narrow minds make me cross.

p.s Please check out my links to see my current set of projects, friends and family’s sites and random cool sites too

Other cool stuff you will find in this blog; cupcakes and fairy cakes, photography (usually digital), my personal photography school, viral marketing, movies, movie marketing, pin-up photography, top tunes and random things that make me smile)